Verónica Pinheiro- Photographer

The internship provided Verónica with a wide range of different experiences in the area of photojournalism, such as politics, press conferences, accident and crime scenes, portraits, etc.

A theater play on stage at ACE/Bolhão Theater, Oporto, Portugal. The play was called "Não tenho olhar mas mamilos que endurecem quando alguém me olha", meaning "i don't have the look but nipples that harden when someone looks at me", and it's a monologue starring Daniel Macedo Pinto

A theater play on stage at ACE/Bolhão Theater, Oporto, Portugal. The play was called "Não tenho olhar mas mamilos que endurecem quando alguém me olha", meaning "i don't have the look but nipples that harden when someone looks at me", and it's a monologue starring Daniel Macedo Pinto

Oporto, Portugal

The portuguese police promoted educational activities for kids from a tough neighborhood... this kid peeped between the cops, pulling out his tongue in a rebel act;

Viso, Oporto;

Filó , a cook

A very poor slum in Oporto, where people complain to live in a place were there's no plumbing or any other conditions to live in.

A very poor slum in Oporto, where people complain to live between rats and other roedents, in a place were there's no plumbing or any other conditions to live in.

A very poor slum in Oporto, where people complain to live between rats and other roedents, in a place were there's no plumbing or any other conditions to live in. This photo was cover of the portuguese newspapper, Jornal de Notícias;
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This nice old florist works on "Mercado da Sé", Oporto, Portugal.

David José was born with cerebral palsy. With 19 years old, and needing a new special chair, his parents had no choice but calling a newspapper to ask for help. About a month later Caritas internacional offered him the new chair he was needing.

A protest waiting for the Prime Minister at Mealhada

Pedro Passos Coelho, Portuguese prime Minister - 2012 @Mealhada

Pedro Passos Coelho, Portuguese prime Minister - 2012 @Mealhada

Pedro Passos Coelho, Portuguese prime Minister - 2012 @Mealhada

Car crash involving an ambulance

Car crash involving an ambulance